Francis is a serious student of life who has searched for universal truths to help create a better life for over 15 years. He opens up his heart and shares his life experiences with the reader in a simple, honest, and engaging style. The principles and practices in this book have been life changing for him, and could also change the way you think and feel about yourself and the world around you. His primary objective is helping young adults and those who suffer from injustice and so this is where his writing, teaching, and speaking efforts are focused.
Although it is common to provide more personal details about the author, Francis believes that in order to create a better life, the person we need to learn most about is our self. That is why he writes—to provide a framework and tools to help you understand yourself and how to create your own happiness. He hopes that you try out the book and let him know how it works for you. Then you can write to him about your life lessons and he’ll benefit from what you have to teach him. This is a gift we can all offer to each other and one that he would gladly accept in return.
Photo Gallery
View the author's favorite photos of Katlyn and him together.
Cards & Letters
View a collection of cards and letters written by Katlyn and her Dad.
“If love and connection is our most fundamental need, then trying to satisfy our ego to fill this need is our most fundamental problem.”