For the Love of Katlyn is a story about a father's search for love and happiness, the unexpected loss of his beloved daughter, and his quest to help others in her honor.



This book takes you on an unexpected journey that is meant to open your heart and bring you to a better place. For the Love of Katlyn, I hope you decide to go.

Healing Workshop

The Healing Workshop is a ten-week program that was developed to help people affected by difficult life experiences learn new healing skills and self-care practices.


Francis is a serious student of life who has searched for universal truths for over 15 years. The principles and practices he offers have been life changing for him and could also help you.


This section provides pictures, videos, tributes, and writings so you can begin to know Katlyn's true beauty like those of us who were blessed to call her daughter, sister, and friend.

Start Healing

The Start Healing section offers a link to free, online healing resources and support for those affected by difficult life experiences. This approach is self-directed.


There are not many new things to say that the author deems as "blog-worthy," so this section will only be updated when there's something significant to add to what he's already written.

Home page banner photos of Katlyn surfing provided by Jeremy Hicks.